Vans Pines Nursery, Inc


Eastern White Pine North Carolina

Botanical Name: Pinus Strobus
Hardiness Zones:4-7
Mature Height: 80'
Growth Rate: Fast
Seed Source: North Carolina

Select a Program:

What are Programs?
  • 36mm Jiffy Plug
    Available: 0
  • 50mm Jiffy Plug
    Available: 0
  • Plug+1 Husky Bare Root
    Available: 0
  • Plug+2 Jumbo Husky Bare Root
    Available: 0
  • Plantable Peat Quart
    Available: 0

36mm Jiffy Plug

Item #AgeHeightAvailable50250500100025005000
PWSAG361Y011 Y1 - 3"

PWSAG361Y031 Y3 – 6″

PWSAG361Y061 Y6 – 9″

PWSAG361Y091 Y9 – 12″

No Items Available

50mm Jiffy Plug

Item #AgeHeightAvailable50250500100025005000
PWSAG502Y032 Y3 – 6″

PWSAG502Y062 Y6 – 9″

No Items Available

Plug+1 Husky Bare Root

Item #AgeHeightAvailable50250500100025005000
PWSHX032 Y3 – 6″

PWSHX062 Y6 – 9″

PWSHX092 Y9 – 12″

No Items Available

Plug+2 Jumbo Husky Bare Root

Item #AgeHeightAvailable50250500100025005000
PWSJX063 Y6 – 9″

PWSJX093 Y9 – 12″

PWSJX123 Y12 – 15″

PWSJX153 Y15 – 18″

PWSJX183 Y18 – 24″

PWSJX243 Y24 – 36″

No Items Available

Plantable Peat Quart

Item #AgeHeightAvailable50250500100025005000
PWSPQ1Y092 Y9 – 12″

No Items Available

The Eastern White Pine (North Carolina Seed Source) is mainly offered to our southern customers. Since we receive the seed from North Carolina, it makes it hardier than our seed from Michigan.

This tree can be used for Christmas trees, windbreaks, forestry, millwork, and construction lumber.

Wildlife Value
Eastern White Pine seeds are enjoyed by rabbits, squirrels, and several species of birds. The bark is also enjoyed by mice, rabbits, beavers, and porcupines. This tree is a great provider of nesting sites for birds as well.

History & Lore
Long before any settlers arrived in North America, the Eastern White Pine had been flourishing among the land. This tree is commonly referred to as the ‘Tree of Peace’ by the Haudenosaunee Nation. It was given this name after Dekanawidah helped to create the Five Nations Confederacy. This confederacy included the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca Tribes.

Hardiness Zones

Tree Type

Tree Subtype

Mature Height

Mature Spread

Growth Rate

Seed Source
North Carolina

Sun Preference
Full sun, part shade

Soil PH Range

Soil Preference
Moist, well drained, dry, adaptable

Drought, minimal flooding

Pollution, salt

Blister rust, white pine weevil

White pine weevil

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Irrigation & Weed Control

Not sure which program to choose? If the amount of irrigation and weed control is a deciding factor, the chart below shows which programs require the most care to the least care.

Most Care

Least Care

Jiffy Plugs

(36mm & 50mm)


(Bare Root Transplants)

1 Year Container

(Peat Quart, Super Potted Gallon, Peat Gallon)

Jumbo Husky

(Bare Root Transplants)

2 Year Container

(Peat Quart, Super Potted Gallon, Peat Gallon)

3-4 year Container

(Super Potted 3 Gallon)

Irrigation & Weed Control

Not sure which program to choose? If the amount of irrigation and weed control is a deciding factor, the chart below shows which programs require the most care to the least care.

Most Care

Jiffy Plugs

(36mm & 50mm)


(Bare Root Transplants)

1 Year Container

(Peat Quart, Super Potted Gallon, Peat Gallon)

Jumbo Husky

(Bare Root Transplants)

2 Year Container

(Peat Quart, Super Potted Gallon, Peat Gallon)

3-4 year Container

(Super Potted 3 Gallon)

Least Care