Norway Spruce is favored by many growers for its qualities such as fast growing, easy to transplant, and adaptability to wide variety of growing sites. This tree has short, .5-1" long, dark green needles that present themselves as square when rolled. In its old age, this tree has the tendency to look unkempt.
This tree is commonly used for Christmas trees, windbreak, and aiding in reforestation.
Wildlife Value
The Norway Spruce is a very important tree to many ecosystems and supports a variety of wildlife. They offer winter cover for deer, grouse, hare, woodcocks, and other small birds and mammals. To hawks and owls, these trees also make excellent roosting trees.
History & Lore
The Norway Spruce is originally from Europe. As this tree does grow in Norway, the name is a little misleading. Originally, the Norway Spruce grew in Eurasia, the Black Forest, and other parts of the continent before it made it way to Norway in 500 B.C. Commonly people would bring trees with them as they emigrated to plant as ornamentals in their new homeland.