Vans Pines Nursery, Inc


Plantable Peat Containers

Plantable Peat Containers Offer a Biodegradable Alternative Compared to Plastic

Vans Pines' Plantable Peat Container is a biodegradable alternative to plastic containers. Overall, it allows for air root pruning to occur beyond the plug stage, which helps to further develop better root mass. Because they can be directly planted, little-to-no root maintenance is needed prior to planting with no removal or disposal of the pots.

Further, the Peat Gallon is a true gallon by volume, compared to the roughly 2/3 gallon by volume of the trade #1 plastic pot. That means a larger overall root volume that has not been impeded by a plastic wall, which is usually the cause of root whirl/circling.

The peat pot has many benefits to the plant and to the grower

Fully Biodegradable

They are fully biodegradable, made from a natural and renewable resource.

360-Degree Air Root Pruning

Provides 360-degree air root pruning while above ground.

No Transplant Shock

Increased Water Retention

Increased water retention as the peat pots are extremely absorptive, retaining water for later plant use directly in the root zone.

Lower Labor Costs

Lower labor costs (no pot to dispose of and simplified planting) and vigorous growth.

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Irrigation & Weed Control

Not sure which program to choose? If the amount of irrigation and weed control is a deciding factor, the chart below shows which programs require the most care to the least care.

Most Care

Least Care

Jiffy Plugs

(36mm & 50mm)


(Bare Root Transplants)

1 Year Container

(Peat Quart, Super Potted Gallon, Peat Gallon)

Jumbo Husky

(Bare Root Transplants)

2 Year Container

(Peat Quart, Super Potted Gallon, Peat Gallon)

3-4 year Container

(Super Potted 3 Gallon)

Irrigation & Weed Control

Not sure which program to choose? If the amount of irrigation and weed control is a deciding factor, the chart below shows which programs require the most care to the least care.

Most Care

Jiffy Plugs

(36mm & 50mm)


(Bare Root Transplants)

1 Year Container

(Peat Quart, Super Potted Gallon, Peat Gallon)

Jumbo Husky

(Bare Root Transplants)

2 Year Container

(Peat Quart, Super Potted Gallon, Peat Gallon)

3-4 year Container

(Super Potted 3 Gallon)

Least Care