Vans Pines Nursery, Inc


Nordmann Fir ‘Tazrisi’

Botanical Name: Abies Nordmanniana ‘Tazrisi’
Hardiness Zones: 4-7
Mature Height: 150'
Growth Rate: Slow
Seed Source: Country of Georgia

Our Nordman Fir seed source is from country of Georgia. This tree is favored for its long life span, softer needles, and excellent needle retention. It is also fragrant-free, making it a great Christmas tree choice for families that suffer from allergies typically related to common Christmas trees.

There are many uses for this species of Nordmann Fir including Christmas trees, privacy screens, and ornamental in landscaping. Its soft, white wood a favored in construction work. Due to the declining climate change, the Nordman Fir is also commonly used in Europe as reforestation tree.

Wildlife Value
This tree offers food, shelter, and habitats for many birds and small mammals.

History & Lore
The Nordmann Fir seed was collected in the village of Tazrisi in country of Georgia. It is native to several areas includng Turkey, Georgia, Northern Armenia, the mountains around the Black Sea, and the Russian Caucasus. This tree was discovered and named after Alexander van Nordmann, a botanist from Finland, who first discovered the tree growing country of Georgia.

Hardiness Zones

Tree Type

Tree Subtype

Mature Height

Mature Spread

Growth Rate

Seed Source
Country of Georgia

"Sun Preference
Full sun, part shade

Soil PH Range

Soil Preference
Well drained

Minimal drought

Urban pollution, excelssive moisture

Cankers, heart and root rot, needle rust, twig blight

Balsam wooly adelgids, bark beetles, spruce budworm, aphids, bagworm. All minimal on Nordmann's."

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Irrigation & Weed Control

Not sure which program to choose? If the amount of irrigation and weed control is a deciding factor, the chart below shows which programs require the most care to the least care.

Most Care

Least Care

Jiffy Plugs

(36mm & 50mm)


(Bare Root Transplants)

1 Year Container

(Peat Quart, Super Potted Gallon, Peat Gallon)

Jumbo Husky

(Bare Root Transplants)

2 Year Container

(Peat Quart, Super Potted Gallon, Peat Gallon)

3-4 year Container

(Super Potted 3 Gallon)

Irrigation & Weed Control

Not sure which program to choose? If the amount of irrigation and weed control is a deciding factor, the chart below shows which programs require the most care to the least care.

Most Care

Jiffy Plugs

(36mm & 50mm)


(Bare Root Transplants)

1 Year Container

(Peat Quart, Super Potted Gallon, Peat Gallon)

Jumbo Husky

(Bare Root Transplants)

2 Year Container

(Peat Quart, Super Potted Gallon, Peat Gallon)

3-4 year Container

(Super Potted 3 Gallon)

Least Care